I was privileged to participate in the Ends of the Earth Cycling Short Term Mission Trip to Belize (February 18 – 23rd). We were able to interact with the local community in several villages/towns in Belize and raise over $10,000 USD for the men of Freedom House Belize. We were blessed by the hospitality of Belize Base Camp and cared for by many volunteers including the ladies of Hummingbird Medical Resources.

The heat and humidity were extremely high, even for those of us from Florida, making for some challenging rides. We slept in churches and community centers and were able to worship and fellowship with the local community each night. The people of Belize were amazing, they were content regardless of their circumstances and were extremely hospitable to us.

We had a few accidents and adversity on the road but our team finished strong and really trusted in one another and God. Overall this was an unbelievable learning and spiritual growth experience.

I overcame a lot of personal adversity to get to this point including: losing my best friend in December 2016 (to a senseless act of violence), my mom 8 months later then finally getting my gallbladder removed. Getting back on the bike for this trip was HUGE for me; despite my poor performance on the bike, I was also able to share my story and really build lasting bonds with other members of my team. I am very encouraged for what is to come on and off the bike and look forward to racing again in 2019 and participating more with Ends Cycling.

#endscycling #praypedalrepeat #hummingbirdmedicalresources #belizebasecamp #freedomhouseprisonministry

Raw GoPro Footage (YouTube) – *Watch in 1080p




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